Early childhood intervention services

Our early childhood intervention services and programs are designed to be bundled together to create a tailored package for your child.

Contact us to learn about creating your first package.

Plan and Do: key worker and therapy

The core of Plumtree’s suite of programs tailored for children and family’s individual needs

Evidence shows that using one provider instead of several for a child will lead to the best outcomes.

Plan and Do is Plumtree’s way of providing comprehensive and flexible early intervention support for your child under one roof. Relationships are important for the best outcomes. Parents and carers work in partnership with a key worker experienced in early childhood development, who can be one of the following early childhood intervention service specialists:

Our team members work from the heart for a caring and respectful partnership. You will learn skills and strategies that build on your knowledge because it is you who will make the difference for your child.

Explore our early childhood intervention programs below:

Our early childhood intervention programs

AAC for communication support

All children communicate, but some may do it in ways other than speech.

Many strategies are available to help them be heard and understood by family, peers and in the community. Augmentive and Alternate Communication (also known as AAC) is the term for a range of methods other than oral speech used to express thoughts, needs, wants and ideas. They include visuals, signs, iPads and computer technologies.

AAC can also help some children develop language and verbal skills faster, until the supports are no longer required.

Ask your keyworker about including AAC in your Plan & Do package and we will implement the most suitable system for your family.

We also run AAC workshops for all families, including those not connected to Plumtree. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information.

Hanen® for language delay

Plumtree’s Hanen® courses provide evidence-based support for children with a language delay. Delivered one-to-one, these specialised programs teach parents and carers the skills for developing their child’s communication through everyday learning experiences and lead to positive outcomes

Three Hanen® programs are available at Plumtree by Hanen-certified Speech Pathologists:

It Takes Two to Talk®

For parents and carers of young children who have a language delay. It Takes Two To Talk teaches you, step-by-step, how to become your child’s most important language teacher.

Learn about topics including:
– Identifying your child’s stage and style of communication
– Identifying what motivates your child to interact with you
– Encouraging your child to start interactions
– Following your child’s lead to encourage continued interaction
– Helping your child take turns and keep interactions going
– Developing your child’s expression and understanding

Program overview:
It Takes Two To Talk is an online 13-week program and includes:
– 1 commitment-free online orientation session
– 1 pre-program individual consultation with a Hanen speech pathologist to assess your child and set communication goals
– 8x weekly online group sessions; 2.5 hours each
– 3 individual video feedback online sessions between the group sessions for parents—you and your child are recorded while playing. Then, you and the speech pathologist review and discuss the recording to see what’s working and how you can modify strategies to help your child

More Than Words® 

For parents and carers of young children who have Autism and who are not talking. More Than Words provides tools, strategies and support to help your child reach their full communication potential.

Learn about topics including:
– How your child currently communicates and next steps to take
– How your child learns best and taking advantage of these preferences
– Engaging your child in enjoyable interactions during everyday activities
– Making interactions last longer and increase learning opportunities
– How to talk so that your child understands you
– Strategies for developing your child’s play and social skills

Program overview:
More Than Words is an online 13 week program and includes:
– 1 commitment-free online orientation session
– 1 pre-program individual consultation with a Hanen speech pathologist to assess your child and set communication goals
– 8x weekly online group sessions; 2.5 hours each
– 3 individual video feedback online sessions that take place between the group sessions for parents—you and your child are recorded while playing. Then you and the speech pathologist review and discuss the recording to see what’s working and how you can modify strategies to help your child


For parents and carers of young children who have Autism and who are talking. TalkAbility teaches you practical ways to help your child learn people skills.

Learn about topics including:
– How your child currently engages in conversation
– Next steps to help your child have more balanced, back-and-forth conversations
– Encouraging your child to pay attention to non-verbal social messages
– Helping your child understand the meaning behind words
– Helping your child tell stories, play imaginatively and make friends

Program Overview:
Talkability is an online 13-week program and includes:
– 1 commitment-free online orientation session on Tuesday 6 February; 7.30pm
– 1 pre-program individual consultation with a Hanen speech pathologist to assess your child and set communication goals
– 8x weekly online group sessions; 2.5 hours each
– 3 individual video feedback online sessions between the group sessions for parents—you and your child are recorded while playing. Then, you and the speech pathologist review and discuss the recording to see what’s working and how you can modify strategies to help your child

Ask your keyworker about including a Hanen® program in your Plan & Do package.

Depending on demand, we may also offer Hanen group programs for all families. Contact us Subscribe to our newsletter for more information.

LEGO® Together for social skills

Held at school, LEGO® Together is a group social skills program for a child and their peers aged 5–8 years old. It encourages social skills, turn-taking skills, sharing, collaborative problem-solving and the learning of concepts. Children also learn to be self-reflective and give constructive feedback to peers.

LEGO® Together is suitable for achieving goals that include:

  • Play and social communication
  • Expressive and receptive language
  • Fine motor skills

The LEGO® Together program comprises:

  • A one-hour for initial program set-up session
  • Eight one-hour group sessions, including 15 minutes set up time
  • A one-hour review and report session

Ask your keyworker about including a LEGO® Together program in your Plan & Do package and setting up a group at your child’s school

Back on Track for challenging behaviour

Parents nurture their children to grow and understand what behaviours are acceptable and useful, but almost every child will challenge them at some stage with behaviours that are puzzling or hard-to-manage. If challenging behaviour disrupts learning opportunities, interferes with relationships, or poses a risk to the child and others, your therapist may recommend our Back on Track program.

Using an evidence-based Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach, we work with parents, carers, or your child’s school team to develop skills that bring positive change. The program includes:

  • A comprehensive behaviour assessment and analysis
  • An explanation of why the behaviour may be happening
  • A plan to replace the behaviour with goals to achieve and strategies to use
  • Training for parents, carers, or the child’s school to implement the strategies
  • Meetings to monitor the behaviour over time and make changes if needed

Back on Track is available for all families. Contact our client relationship manager Elif Erdogan to learn more. Ask your keyworker about including Back on Track if you have a Plumtree Plan and Do package.  

Support for starting school

Starting school is an important milestone for children and their family. Priorities and therapy needs change during this exciting time.  

School & Life is our new program for a successful transition to school and beyond. We work with you, your child and educators in the years leading up to school, during the transition, and up to the age of 8.  

Learn more about School & Life

Getting started with early childhood intervention support

For families with NDIS funding

Plumtree is a registered NDIS provider, so you can use your NDIS funding to purchase our Plan and Do package. We understand that each family is unique, and parents know their child best. That’s why we will work with you to create a package that suit’s your child and family’s needs.

Families starting at Plumtree will receive a welcome visit and experience our innovative Pictability visioning tool. Together, we will plan a good life for the entire family and work towards achieving your NDIS plan’s goals.

You can also purchase a Plan and Do package with your private health insurance, Medicare with a plan from your GP, and privately. Get in touch to discuss other purchase options available

For families without NDIS funding

Plumtree also provides free programs and workshops for all families. You will learn new skills and strategies that have worked for other families, and connect with our passionate and knowledgeable community.

If you have concerns about your child’s development, attend one of our online playgroups or download our resources to get started right away.

You can also contact Lifestart, the NDIS Early Childhood Early Intervention Partner for the Sydney region, about accessing support through the ECEI Approach.

What is the ECEI Approach?

The Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach is available to all children aged under 7 with a disability or developmental concerns.

For families in the Sydney region, the Lifestart team will spend time getting to know you and your child. Every family’s experience will be different. Some ways that an ECEI partner can help you include:

  • Listening to what is important to you and your child
  • Working with you to determine the best supports
  • Identifying and connecting you and your child to the most appropriate supports in your area
  • Providing short-term early intervention support where appropriate
  • Helping you request NDIS access and develop an NDIS plan if your child becomes an NDIS participant

For more information, read the How ECEI works – step by step process page at the NDIS website.

Explore some programs and services