Annual Family Conference
Dream big at the Annual Family Conference
The Family Conference brings together, informs, and inspires families of children with disabilities and their allies on taking the lead and building a good life.
Created at Plumtree in 2017, the conference is planned and run by families, for families. Originally held at our centre for 50 parents, the event has since moved online with attendees from over Australia.
Conference guests include professionals, parent peer workers, as well as families, and young people with a disability.
Their uplifting presentations educate and empower attendees on topics from achieving great goals, getting the best from the NDIS and professional partnerships, building family agency, and more.
Conference Resources
Proudly hosted by Plumtree, Now & Next and Belongside (formerly known as Kindred)

Family Conference
Becoming part of the community: taking steps towards inclusion
Sunday 18 June 2023
A trip into the community is a wonderful experience to discover the world and have fun, but inclusion can be a challenge for families of children with a disability. How can you create the same opportunities to do things that other children do on a day out? Join us online!

Family Conference – Together towards tomorrow
Building your child’s future: The role of families
Saturday 23 October 2021
There’s a lot that parents can do. Big picture visioning is vital for the future when children are very young. So is developmental parenting—guess who a child models their behaviour from? Learning to take the lead in partnerships with professionals is also important, as strong family leaders nurture children’s leadership skills.

Family Conference
Doing things differently
Sunday 13 September 2020
The pandemic has changed many of our daily routines. Early intervention services moving online is one of them. Are they as effective as face-to-face sessions? We have good news: the delivery may be different, but many families are making progress and achieving positive outcomes with their children.
Proudly hosted by Plumtree and Now & Next

Now & Next Family Conference
Small steps, giant leaps
Saturday 26 October 2019
“Small Steps, Giant Leaps” covered keynote presentations based around fostering independence, nurturing friendships, inclusion, communication and building the capacity of families to create the best life for their child.

Now & Next Alumni Conference
Reach for the stars
Saturday 30 June 2018
As families, we want the very best for our children, and our mission is to aim high for a positive and hopeful future. But hope is not enough – we need the skills, knowledge and networks to help us continue to strive and Reach for the Stars.

Now & Next Alumni Inaugural Conference
by families for families
Saturday 15 April 2017
The Now & Next Alumni Inaugural Conference itself was pioneering. It was the first to be organized and run by families of young children with disabilities or delays, with a program guided by their needs and interests.
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