Robin Treloar has worked as an Early Childhood Special Educator since 1979.She began teaching in the Down Syndrome Program at Macquarie University and was Teacher in Charge there from 1981 to 1983. She has worked in a range of non-government organisations, including Macquarie University Special Education Centre, Autism Australia (Aspect), the Catholic Education Office (Parramatta Diocese) Lifestart and Learning Links.
At Macquarie University Robin was involved in the development of a range of curriculum materials and innovative teaching materials. She was a co-author of Small Steps: an Early Intervention Program (Macquarie University, 1985) which aimed primarily to support isolated families who could not access services and has been translated into many languages. During the 1990s she worked closely with the Early Childhood Intervention Association (NSW Chapter) to develop best practice guidelines and training materials, culminating in Partners: Recommended Practices in Family-Centred Early Childhood Intervention (NSW Ageing and Disability Department, 1998) which provided a trainers guide and materials for three days’ training in family-centred practice. This was followed by Partners for Managers in 2003.
In 2002 she worked on a team under contract to the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care to deliver an evaluation and planning project for Early Childhood Intervention services. Based around a self-reflection tool, Frameworks for reflecting on practice in family-centred early childhood intervention, training was implemented over twelve months through conferences and visits to regional centres.
Robin has contributed as a writer and editor to Does this child need help? Identification and Early Childhood Intervention, a training package developed by Early Childhood Intervention NSW and most recently revised in 2013.