Funding for two new parent led organisations

Since 2015, Plumtree has been investing in new ways to build the capability of families who have a child with a disability or developmental delays, to set a positive hopeful vision for their child and to help them to work towards achieving their goals. Doing this early with families through peer-led approaches will help set their trajectory towards an optimistic future, one that is consistent with the contemporary approaches to disability that our society is now embracing. We imagined a future where these families could support each other to do this and we are incredibly proud to announce that the future is now.

Plumtree has been successful in applying for funding from the NDIS to set up two new parent-led organisations, Reframing Autism and Reframing Disability. From June 2019 to November 2020 Plumtree will guide and support these two new organisations and ensure a strong governance foundation. We are delighted to announce that Reframing Autism and Reframing Disability have already commenced their planning to deliver practical activities and resources for families and look forward to sharing more of this in the near future.

The vision of the two organisations is to:
– Reframe Disability and to Reframe Autism
– Respect, accept, embrace, and empower people, parents, families and children, who have a disability and/or who are Autistic.
– Be evidence-based, founded on the theory and practice of early intervention, post-traumatic growth, prospection, hope, goal attainment, strengths-based and family-centred practice.
– To build the capability of families through empowerment, participation and control
– To be citizen-focused.
The two organisations will formally launch in October 2019 at the 3rd annual Now and Next conference.  This event is a by families for families conference which we feel is the perfect environment to share their maiden address.

We acknowledge that Plumtree Children’s Services was funded by the NDIA to auspice the two new organisations in June 2019 under the Program Name ‘Community Inclusion Capacity Development’
and Activity Name of ‘Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Readiness Round 2018-19’ and we commend the NDIA for enabling these two new organisations that will champion peers to pioneer change.

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