At Plumtree, we train and employ parents who have experience in raising a child who has a disability or developmental delay. Peer work is not common in the early childhood intervention field and we want to change that.

We believe peer workers are a valuable yet under-utilised resource, which is complementary to other early intervention services.  Their insights can provide a new way to build knowledge with other families. Plumtree is proud to be bringing peer work to you.

How peer workers can help

As you travel down the road of life there will be many people who help you on your way. If you are the parent or carer of a child with a development delay or disability, this help will often come from professionals.

But, have you heard about peer workers?

Peers workers are parents just like you, whose understanding and experience can provide you with a new kind of support. Peer workers will help:

  • build your knowledge through shared experiences
  • connect you with other families and
  • help you make better use of resources

Trained and knowledgeable peer workers complement the other professionals who work in partnership with you. Together, you’ll be able to navigate the road ahead and get to where you want to be.

You can connect with a peer worker at Plumtree through different ways.

Connect with a peer worker using your NDIS funding

Getting ready for your NDIS review meeting
Self-managing your NDIS funding
Pictability Vision Setting (details about how to pay for peer worker via your NDIS funding)

Other parent led organisations

Reframing Autism
Belongside Families (formally known as Kindred)

Becoming a Peer Worker

At Plumtree, we train and employ parents who have completed the Now and Next program to become peer workers.

Once trained, these families can go on to become a Now and Next program facilitator or Pictability facilitator.

If you have completed the Now and Next program and are interested in being trained as a facilitator of Now & Next or Pictability read more about how we select peer workers here.

If you have completed the Now and Next program and would like more information on how to become a peer worker contact us.

If you would like to introduce peer work into your organisation, view Plumtree Professional.

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