MyTime Marrickville | Online & Face2Face

Meet and share experiences and information with parents and carers of children with developmental concerns, developmental delay or disability. Facilitated by a trained parent-peer worker.

NDIS: Can I still buy it?

Learn about recent NDIS rule changes, eligible claims, special approvals, and how to correct claim mistakes. For families of children with developmental concerns, delay or disability aged 0-11 years. Facilitated by Sam Paior from The Growing Space

Hanen More Than Words

The Hanen Program®- More Than Words™ for Parents of young Autistic children aged 6 and under, who may benefit from social communication support. Facilitated by a senior Hanen Certified speech pathologist. Fees apply.

Now & Next School

A program supporting your child to thrive at school and develop effective learning goals with educators. For parents, primary carers and family members of primary school-aged children who have developmental delay or disability. Facilitated by a trained parent peer worker.

Explore some programs and services