Explorers Play in the Park • Playgroup

Learn, play and connect with our team and other families in a fun and welcoming environment. For parents and carers of children birth to 3 years old. The playgroup is facilitated by an early childhood specialist and a physiotherapist.

Music Together 10am • Playgroup

Learn social play skills, communication and following routines with singing and dancing. For families of children with developmental concerns, developmental delay or disability aged 3–5 years. Facilitated by a music educator and early childhood teacher.

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Music Together 11am• Playgroup

Create wonderful opportunities for communication and interaction through fun musical activities. For families of children with developmental concerns, developmental delay or disability aged 3–5 years. Facilitated by a music educator and early childhood teacher.

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MyTime Việt • Peer group | Online & Face2Face

An informal support group for parents of children with disability or delay or parents with concerns about their children's development.

The group is facilitated in Vietnamese by Plumtree’s Vietnamese family support worker.

Towards Toileting Independence

This workshop is an introduction to toilet training and an initial problem-solving session for families who are preparing to begin toilet training. For families of children with developmental concerns, delay or disability aged 0-8 years. Facilitated by an occupational therapist and early childhood teacher/behavioral consultant.

MyTime Marrickville | Online & Face2Face

Meet and share experiences and information with parents and carers of children with developmental concerns, developmental delay or disability. Facilitated by a trained parent-peer worker.

NDIS: Can I still buy it?

Learn about recent NDIS rule changes, eligible claims, special approvals, and how to correct claim mistakes. For families of children with developmental concerns, delay or disability aged 0-11 years. Facilitated by Sam Paior from The Growing Space

Hanen More Than Words

The Hanen Program®- More Than Words™ for Parents of young Autistic children aged 6 and under, who may benefit from social communication support. Facilitated by a senior Hanen Certified speech pathologist. Fees apply.

Explore some programs and services