An introduction to paediatric physiotherapy

What kind of support does a physiotherapist provide? Physiotherapists help your child develop their movement skills and physical independence. Physiotherapy sessions can be held at home, in education settings, in the community or at our Marrickville centre. Goals can include walking, sitting, crawling, rolling, climbing stairs and playing sports.  

Physiotherapists know a lot about gross motor skills—how large muscle groups work together. They consider a child’s overall physical development to improve their strength, balance and coordination, which helps children participate more in everyday activities.  

Physiotherapists work with you and other carers to help your child move around more independently. They ensure that children who are not mobile can take part in everyday activities and routines safely with as much independence as possible. Your therapist will use your child’s interests to encourage them during play-based sessions and suggest exercises and activities that make learning fun and engaging. 

NDIS physiotherapy Inner West Sydney 

Plumtree is more than a clinic: our family-centred approach is the gold standard in early childhood intervention. Most of a child’s learning happens with their family and carers between therapy sessions. That’s why we actively work with parents during sessions. You will learn strategies to use in your child’s natural environment at home, school, or in the community to achieve your goals. 

Here’s what our physiotherapists say about their work and how they can support your child: 

Learn more and contact us about paediatric physiotherapy for your child.

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