About us
Plumtree is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation that helps families thrive. Trusted for over 30 years, we provide therapies and support for children aged birth to 8 years with a disability or developmental delay and their families in various settings: at home, in the community, at our Marrickville centre and online.
Our other centre-based and online services support all families. Free playgroups connect families to each other, or with Plumtree’s therapists to discuss developmental concerns. Educational programs for parents and carers cover topics from toilet training to family wellbeing and effective parenting.
We have a preschool where children of all abilities and cultural backgrounds learn together and begin to understand the value of inclusive communities.
Plumtree’s innovations include the award-winning Now & Next program, which helps parents develop a vision and skills to achieve positive outcomes for their child, and the entire family. Some graduates are trained and employed at Plumtree as parent peer workers. We also deliver professional development for organisations, early childhood education centres, and schools.
We take pride in our work that changes lives and builds better inclusive communities.
We are proud to be part of the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Best Practice Network,
a group of not-for-profit providers of early intervention services and/or early childhood education operating across NSW, VIC, and the ACT. This partnership strengthens our commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based early intervention support for families.

Our team
Plumtree’s diverse team works from the heart. For families, we bring a wide range of expertise that complements the parent’s knowledge about their child. Together, we create genuine partnerships where families are respected and informed.
Our keyworker approach provides an efficient single point of contact. Other specialists from Plumtree are brought in to achieve the best child and family outcomes when required. Our team includes therapy assistants and parent peer workers—who have lived experience in raising a child with disability—to provide a holistic, family-centred service.
Through Plumtree Professional, we work with practitioners to further develop their skills. With our evidence-based expertise and resources, organisations and practices can become more effective and better help families be the best they can be.
We also employ
Together, we speak 17 languages.

Values & Culture
We believe that every child with a disability or developmental delay has a right to participate in family and community life. We work together with families towards this goal. Our culture is truly supportive, based on integrity, respect, flexibility and genuine caring for each other, our communities and the work we do in partnership with families.
Our board
Plumtree is supported by a dedicated board with diverse experience, united by their commitment to children and families.
Annual reviews
Reading our Annual Reports, you can learn more about Plumtree’s activities and achievements.