Lasting positive change for your child and family

We all want our children to thrive, and you make the biggest difference as parents and carers. By building on our children’s strengths, we can help them to lead a good life. Now & Next is an award-winning program that makes that happen.

Now & Next is facilitated by trained parent peer workers with lived experience in raising a child with a disability or developmental delay. By learning through shared experience and connecting with other families, the program complements the therapists and professionals you work with, to deliver great outcomes.

Over eight online sessions, learn how to:

  • Achieve more positive outcomes with less effort
  • Create a vision, and build on your child and family’s strengths to make a big impact
  • Increase family well-being and resilience
  • Use strategies that have worked for other families
  • Work better with professionals and other supports to achieve your goals
  • Spend your NDIS or disability funding wisely

Sponsored for NDIS families in Australia 

Until July 2024*, Now & Next groups are free for NDIS families in Australia. The program usually costs $1133.92 AUD and is claimed through the scheme.

Now & Next provides lasting positive change, now and into the future, for the entire family. Daytime, evening, weekend or fast-tracked programs in English or other languages are available depending on the Term.

Learn life-changing skills for your child, your family and yourself. Register below and please get in touch if you have any questions.

*Now & Next NDIS groups are sponsored by Plumtree Children’s Services.

Learn life-changing skills for your child, your family and yourself. Register below.

Not connected to the NDIS?
Visit our Sponsored program webpage

A Now & Next Sponsored program, funded by the Australian Government, is available for families or carers not connected to the NDIS who have developmental concerns for their child. Learn more and register.

What families say about Now & Next

Choose your preferred Now & Next group

Now & Next | Sunday
From Sunday 28 July to
Sunday 15 September
12pm to 2pm* AEST/NSW time
*Please adjust to your local time zone

Now & Next | Monday
From Monday 29 July to
Monday 16 September
8pm to 10pm* AEST/NSW time
*Please adjust to your local time zone

Now & Next | Tuesday daytime
From Tuesday 30 July to
Tuesday 17 September
12pm to 2pm* AEST/NSW time
*Please adjust to your local time zone

Now & Next | Tuesday evening
From Tuesday 30 July to
Tuesday 17 September
8pm to 10pm* AEST/NSW time
*Please adjust to your local time zone

Now & Next | Wednesday
From Wed 31 July to
Wed 16 September
8pm to 10pm* AEST/NSW time
*Please adjust to your local time zone

Now & Next | Thursday
From Thursday 1 Aug to
Thursday 17 Sept
8pm to 10pm* AEST/NSW time
*Please adjust to your local time zone


Now & Next NDIS

Families thrive with Now & Next

The Now & Next program is robust and evidence-based.

Our research analysis and an external evaluation shows that the program works and children achieve positive outcomes.

The program we needed when our children were little

As mothers of young men with disabilities, we developed Now & Next to give families hope for a future of possibilities for their children.

In Now & Next, we give families the tools to build on their strengths so that they understand what to do to help their child thrive and progress.

Sylvana Mahmic CEO Plumtree and Dr Annick Janson Research Director Plumtree Learning

Get in touch

Want to talk to a parent peer worker about the program or have any other questions?

Explore some programs and services