Now & Next is a capacity-building initiative for families of young children with a disability or developmental delay and co-designed with them. This Theory of Change visual explains the practical work we have undertaken towards achieving this goal as well as the research we are building.
We started our work in 2015 at the bottom left of the visual by reviewing our evidence base which we list here. Then each theme builds as we reach the top where we demonstrate the outcomes for our Theory of Change.
We have an evaluation framework that includes standardised tools that measure the impact of our work. We are gradually building data for each level and you can follow our progress by exploring this site.
This family capacity-building initiative works on 3 groups of people as shown in the illustration above as each has a part to play in our ultimate outcome which is building family capability through participation.
- With participants who do the Now & Next program to achieve goals for their child, family or self
- With families who graduate and go on to train as Peer Workers
- With professionals who support families’ will to lead the teams which will support achieving their goals for their child and family [Left column]
Our research follows each of these three groups of people as they engage, train and expand their knowledge and become part of collective communities.
Learn more on our Theory of Change.
See the list of our publications/presentations organised within our Theory of Change categories.